News International review

FIFA will get a paltry fine for the damage caused by corruption

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An American judge awarded two former football officials convicted of corruption a $ 2.63 million fine for damages. The plaintiffs in the face of FIFA and the two regional football federations asked for an amount of 125 million dollars.

U.S. district judge Pamela Chen of Brooklyn made a decision that was almost a defeat for FIFA, as well as The Association of Confederations of North, Central America and the Caribbean (CONCACAF) and the South American Confederation of football (CONMEBOL). It was about compensation for damage caused to organizations by former President of the South American football Confederation Juan angel Napout, as well as the former head of the Brazilian football Confederation Jose Maria Marina. Both ex-officials were convicted of corruption, Reuters reports.

Cheng decided that FIFA is entitled to receive only $ 108 thousand 268 of the required 28 million dollars. CONCACAF received $ 1.74 million after requesting $ 9.8 million. CONMEBOL has received 783 662 thousand dollars, though requested $ 86.8 mn.

Recall, Marin was sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of 1.2 million dollars, and Napout – to nine years in prison and a fine of 1 million dollars. Both protested their convictions and sentences.

FIFA sought damages, mainly for legal and Advisory fees, while CONCACAF and CONMEBOL’s requests mainly concerned lost profits.

Judge Chen stressed that FIFA does not deserve much of what the organization demanded because it voluntarily asked U.S. investigators to investigate possible corruption, perhaps to preserve its “victim status” and avoid investigation.  “As rightly proves the defendant Napout, the Corporation, acting out of self-preservation, can turn around and recoup their costs at the expense of the fine,” said Chen.