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The protests began early in the morning and were called by social and human rights organizations, trade unions and community groups.
In nation-wide protests, activists and supporters of the Green March organization are taking to the streets of the Dominican Republic against impunity and corruption.
In a wave of green, demonstrations took place in 50 municipalities against the “corruption policy” targeting the criminal impunity that blankets government officials and institutions.
The protests began early in the morning and were called by social and human rights organizations, trade unions and community groups.
“Green Day is a time for all Dominicans who want to end crime in public administration to express themselves. It is a Green Day to show that in every corner of the country there is a strong will to face the corruption and impunity that keep our country in a political and institutional quagmire,” event organizers said.
Under the hashtag #DiaVerde, organizers spread the message across social media, inviting Dominicans from the north to the south to carry the banner throughout the day with a host of activities and musical performances awash in a sea of green.

“The Dominican people will not remain immobile in the face of a government that allows political, military and business mafias operating from their institutions, protected by their hierarchies, including the presidency of the Republic,” organizers said.
“We declare our unwavering decision to continue to fight through all possible civic methods the political criminality that steals and kills, controls institutions, denies democracy and public questioning, that perverts the courts, that tries to mock the multitudinous and legitimate claims of justice and dignity of the Dominican people and thinks … we will desist, become tired and raise the flag of surrender,” activists added.
Among the causes adopted by the initiative is a rejection of the continued exploitation by the Canadian GoldQuest Mining Corp.; a call for justice in the deaths surrounding the Metropolitan Bus Services Office corruption case; and for justice in the murder of attorney Yuniol Ramirez Ferrera.
A contender for a senatorial seat in 2016, Ferreras was found at the bottom of the Manoguayabo river in west Santo Domingo, chained and fastened with a padlock with a fatal bullet wound to the head. Despite the fact that his death has been linked to a number of state officials, no one has yet to be prosecuted.
Ferreras’ murder is one of five deaths which have occurred over the last two years connected to the OMSA transportation service.