One of the most prestigious medical universities in Japan admitted that the school deliberately changed the results of entrance examinations for ten years. It became clear as a result of the investigation initiated against the official of the Ministry of education because of the illegal device of his son to the University.
Tokyo Medical University has manipulated all entrance exams since 2006 or even earlier, according to findings published by lawyers involved in the investigation, confirming recent reports in the Japanese media. About it writes the Guardian.

The University, which at first denied the manipulation of the test results, said that this should not have happened, and promised to prevent a repetition of this. Representatives of the University will consider the question of admission to study those who are victims of manipulation of the results of exams. “We sincerely apologize for the serious violations related to the entrance exams, which caused concern and trouble for many people and betrayed the trust of the public”, – said at the press conference the managing Director of the University Tetsuo Yukeka. He said that he had not known about the manipulation of estimates, and stressed that he had never participated in them.
The study showed that in the entrance examinations this year the educational institution has reduced the scores of all students of the first stage of testing by 20%, and then added at least 20 points for male students, except for those who previously could not successfully perform the test at least four times.
The University has been working on changing the results of students for many years, because the educational institution wanted to see fewer women doctors. This is due to the fact that the University feared that women will reduce or interrupt their careers in medicine because of possible motherhood.

Fraud was revealed during the investigation of the alleged illegal device of the son of an official of the Ministry of education in exchange for a favorable attitude to the University in obtaining funds for research funds. Tokyo medical University conducted research to detect early-stage cancer and lifestyle-related diseases. The research plan of this particular University was chosen from 65 candidates for the Ministry project, and the University received 35 million yen for the job. In exchange for University assistance, the official’s son entered the University after receiving additional points on the entrance exam.
The son of an official of the Ministry of education, who failed the exam three times, received a total of 20 additional points, which eventually raised it just above the cut-off line. According to the investigation, the former head of the University took money from some parents who were looking for opportunities for preferential admission for their children. The official and former head of the University were charged with bribery.