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Civil servants of Kazakhstan were recommended to spend less money on weddings

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The head of the Agency for civil service and anti-corruption of Kazakhstan Alik Shpekbayev denounced officials in the organization of magnificent celebrations and advised civil servants to be more modest.

According to Alik Shpekbayev, over the past three years the number of violations of ethical standards by civil servants has decreased in Kazakhstan. However, according to him, the love of lush and expensive holidays in Kazakhstan officials remained, and often it does not matter what the reason: marriage or birth. It is reported by Kazakhstan Today.

“It got to the point that even the Wake became a secular event, which should be held exponentially “at the level”, – the head of the anti-corruption organization was indignant. “A room full of flowers. Show business stars. 500-600 guests. As it becomes clear later, the wedding for the daughter or the son was played by the next head of Department of one of regions. And this is a whole trend,” the head of the Agency wrote on his page in the social network.

According to him, after these videos are categorized in a social network, social activists are starting to ask a lot of questions. And the most common-the origin of the money, which organized the celebration.

He also pointed to another urgent problem – compliance with such holidays by ordinary officials. He also recalled the words of the head of Kazakhstan:”…Pragmatism is the opposite of wastefulness, arrogance, life for show. The culture of modern society is a culture of moderation, a culture of wealth, not luxury, a culture of rationality…”. Dear civil servants, we must change. Be easier. More modest”, – concluded on Friday.